‘Celebrating the Feasts’

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Book Review

Review by Major Dale Hill – 

In his book, Celebrate the Feasts of the Lord, Lt. Colonel William Francis reveals how the great truths of Scripture are celebrated and taught through the annual Jewish feasts. Not to be understood exclusively as ethnic celebrations, these festivals provide a fascinating link to Christianity’s historic and spiritual roots.

Readers learn about each festival’s origin, its meaning and practice among the Jews, and finally, its significance for Christians. Included in the 23 chapter of Leviticus, for example, the celebrations of Purim and Hanukkah foresee and typify the progression, timing and implication of the major events of Jesus’ ministry, commencing at Calvary, where the Lamb of God gave himself for the sins of the world (Passover) and culminating with the establishment of the Messianic Kingdom at Jesus’ Second Coming (Feast of Tabernacles).

Additional insights are found in: the Feast of Unleavened Bread, the Feast of Firstfruits, Pentecost, the Feast of Trumpets, and the Day of Atonement.

Celebrate the Feasts of the Lord is a valuable resource for the serious student who will find well-researched information in the text, in-depth charts and diagrams in the appendix, a comprehensive index and a helpful bibliography.

Preachers and Bible teachers will find it a useful study guide and rich source for sermon preparation and personal devotions. In addition, all sincere Christians will rejoice in this book because it is written in a conversational style, is enjoyable reading, and focuses on the Lord Jesus Christ and the full range of his redemptive life and ministry.

Francis is secretary for personnel in the USA Eastern Territory. A frequent traveler to Israel, he is the author of The Stones Cry Out, published in 1993.

To Order:
Contact the Supplies and Purchasing Department in your territory.
$6.25 (plus shipping) * 152 pages

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