Book Review

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by Miss Captain Thelma Holmes, Major –

Reviewed by EDIE JENKINS –

Miss Captain is the story of how God worked—both in the life of one person and in the formation of a community of faith.

As a single woman Major Thelma Holmes served as corps officer in Florence, South Carolina for 17 years. She has written about her experiences—both joyful and sorrowful—during that time. You will read about the miraculous power of God to transform seemingly impossible situations to the good.

Commissioner Philip Needham says, “I commend this book to the reader as a story of faith at work and love in action. I commend it as a gift, which holds benefit for all, if we read it with eyes to see and ears to hear God at work.”

Major Holmes states her purpose for telling her story: This is “a book good for cadets, new captains and candidates. All ages would enjoy it, seeing the power of God transforming situations. A good book for every library.”

Miss Captain can be ordered from AuthorHouse Publishing, 1663 Liberty Drive, Suite 200, Bloomington, IN 47403; 800-839-8640; fax 812-339-6554, for $9.80 plus shipping.

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