Salvation Army continues service in East Texas

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Distribution centers in three locations are providing water and clean-up kits to those impacted by the storm.
By Philip Burn –

The Salvation Army distributed snacks and meals to first responders and people impacted by the tornadoes at a Canton car dealership.
Three Salvation Army mobile kitchens and a Rapid Response Unit (RRU) spent the weekend supporting first responders and those involved in search and rescue following powerful tornadoes in Van Zandt County in East Texas.
A staging area was established at a Canton car dealership, where The Salvation Army disaster teams prepared and distributed meals and snacks to law enforcement and responders. May 1 was supposed to be an exciting day for the dealership as they were scheduled to open a brand new showroom. Instead, the buildings were torn apart by the tornado with cars and trucks flipped and strewn all around the property.
The Salvation Army EDS team from Lewisville was the first unit to arrive in the area at 10:30 p.m. on April 29. The team served meals to the line of trucks at April 30 at lunchtime .
“We spent Saturday night serving coffee and refreshments at the Canton High School where a hastily prepared triage was set up for those injured by the tornado,” said Stephen Thomas, Director of the Lewisville Service Center and disaster volunteer. “We served more than 300 people last night, many who were injured and in need of help after the storms.”
The RRU from Granbury, operated by members of the Women’s Service League of Hood County, provided roving support on April 30 in addition to two other mobile kitchens from the Dallas-Fort Worth area.
Water and clean-up kits were delivered in preparation for distribution on Monday, May 1, at three points of distribution in the area—Canton High School, Walmart, and the First Methodist Church at 600 Buffalo St, in Canton. Two full-sized mobile kitchens will continue service on Monday along with the RRU.
To support relief efforts, call 1-800-SAL-ARMY, or visit



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