Frontlines — News Briefs of the West Bob Bearchell

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Bob Bearchell

By Bob Bearchell –

With the dramatic rise of Montana’s Yellowstone River, a flood of volunteers helped fight the high waters by slinging sandbags, running heavy equipment and manning barricades.

Lt. Juan Salinas, Bozeman commanding officer, reports that with water still rising, an Army canteen was dispatched from Sheridan, Wyo., to assist the Bozeman canteen. At this writing, over 5,000 meals have been served to National Guard, flood relief workers, and evacuees. Coverage of the Army’s work by the local media has been tremendous.


Captain Kenneth Hodder, Evangelism and Adult Programs secretary at Territorial Headquarters, reports that technical work has now been completed on the creation of seven dialer options for the Army’s hotline. Programmable by staff, it will no doubt be a useful resource in helping develop this effort. Modern technology is really helping push this effort forward.


It was a glorious Memorial Day parade in Canoga Park, Calif. Thousands of people clapped and cheered in support of the cause, “Freedom for All,” report A/Captains Jim and Barbara Sloan. But even more popular than the friendly clowns handing out silly string was a 1915 Ford Model T carrying Brigadier Sarah Jones (R), commissioned 67 years ago, who represented over 100 years of Salvation Army service in the San Fernando Valley.

A sparkling disaster canteen followed, and a large ARC truck, flanked by 20 red-vested ARC beneficiaries handing out donation bags.


KTWO radio announcer Brian Scott spent three days on the roof of the S.A. building in Casper, Wyo., vowing not to come down until 10 tons of canned food were donated for the Army’s food pantry. In three days’ time, more than his goal of 10 tons of food was collected–which will last about 20 weeks at the going rate. Cash donations were also received.

Captain David Roehl says almost everyone in town seemed to want to be a part of this action, including political candidates. He adds, “Yee-hah! and Praise the Lord!”


Major Anne Pickup writes, “My family and I have experienced a deluge of love and prayers through cards, flowers and memorial gifts (since the promotion to Glory of Major William Pickup). We thank God for each of you. We ask for your continued prayerful support as we make the necessary adjustments in our lives. God is holding us. He is giving us peace, comfort and strength for each day.”

Mrs. Colonel Virginia Talmadge (R) and daughter, Charlene, are grateful for every expression of love given them in the loss of “our prophet of the Word from the Lord–our Colonel Charles.”

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