Building a marriage that lasts

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Nevada, with its lenient laws, is the scene of many quick marriages. People can even use their high school yearbook picture as a second form of photo identification to get a license.

The flip side of this is that, according to, Nevada also has the highest divorce rate in the U.S.

The Salvation Army in Reno—a city well known for its “wedding chapels”—recently did its part to help couples create a lasting marriage. More than a dozen couples, and several singles looking to marry, attended a six-week Marriage Enrichment class—some had been married as long as 30 years. Each Tuesday evening, participants watched videos on topics including “Staying in Love” and “The 5 Love Languages.” At the end of the six weeks, couples celebrated at a candlelight Valentine’s dinner at the corps.


DVD resource

Class participants reacted positively to the DVD series by Andy Stanley, chosen by Corps Officers Majors Mike and Janene Zielinski from eight that they previewed. The series, Staying in Love: Falling in Love is Easy, Staying in Love Requires a Plan, includes four DVD sessions and a companion study guide. Available at, it’s perfect for individuals or small groups.

Attendee Ed Pengilley said, “Andy Stanley gave one of the most inspirational talks I’ve ever heard, combining humor and the gospel to direct couples in the direction that love and marriage need to go.”

Captain Michael Johnson said, “The videos were a reminder of the preciousness of our marriage relationships and that it takes intentionality to stay in love.” Classmate Alicia added, “I learned a lot from the class. Andy Stanley taught me how to acknowledge my partner’s feelings.”

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